Our Policies
Murgon Real Estate is an ethical real estate agency and we're members of both the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) and the Tenancy Information and Control System (TICA).

Here's what that means to you:

REIQ and TICA Membership Policy
The REIQ represents more than 1,400 offices and about 4,000 agents, salespeople, property managers, resident unit managers, auctioneers, business brokers and commercial agents around Queensland.

All REIQ members must:

  • Commit to the REIQ Code of Ethics
  • Carry professional indemnity insurance
  • Use REIQ standard contracts approved by the Queensland Law Society, and
  • Periodically and continually upgrade their knowledge and skills through ongoing professional development activities

Dealing with an REIQ agency assures you of the highest standard our profession has to offer. And considering real estate purchases and sales are usually the largest transactions anyone makes in their lifetime, isn't it reassuring to know you're dealing with the best?

We're also members of TICA - the only National Default Tenancy Control System spanning every state and territory of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

We know that one of the greatest fears of any property investor and their Property Manager is having a defaulting tenant on the premises. However, by using the TICA system we're able to make enquiries to see if an applicant has previously defaulted prior to placing them into a rental property.

This helps keep bad tenants out - and also lets us recommended good tenants (which benefits everyone). Little wonder we now manage more than 90 rental properties in the Murgon area!


Our Privacy Policy
Murgon Real Estate adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles outlined on the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's web site.

In a nutshell, what this means is that any information you volunteer to us remains in complete confidence between us and will only be sought to help us serve you better.


Our Anti-Spam Policy
Like most people, we're affronted by spam (ie unsolicited bulk emails) and look forward to the day when it's outlawed, as we're sure it inevitably will be.

We do not send out spam; we do not deal with any firm that employs it; and we actively discourage its use at every opportunity.


If you subscribe to our New Listings newsletter we'll send you a brief email newsletter approximately once per month advising you of all the new listings we've entered into our database and any other related property news that we think might interest you.

We offer this as a free service to potential customers.

You can remove yourself from our mailing list at any time by simply returning a newsletter to us with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. We'll erase your email address from our files that instant. You won't receive any more unless you ask to be put on our mailing list again.



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